You're here: Main page > 2.3. Direct current supply and trolleybus overhead > Electric rectifier substations of the BBG Ltd.
The electric rectifier substations (the German shortcut: GUW) are called GUW east, GUW center
and GUW west according to their position in the city Eberswalde .
The GUW east is situated eastwardly of the crossing Eisenbahnstraße/Breite Straße.
Here a picture of the GUW east:
The GUW center is situated in the Bergerstraße. This building accommodated in former
times also sections of the administration of the passenger traffic.
Here a picture of the GUW center:
The GUW west is situated at the Eberswalder Straße, near the stop Forsthaus.
Here a picture of the GUW west: